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Planning Board Minutes 07/17/2014
July 17, 2014
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Secretary)            Chris Condon (Chair)
Michael Frosch (Member)      Steve MacDonald (Member)            Jeanne Cahoon (Alternate)      
Janet McEwen (Member)       Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner) Bob Holmes (Alternate)      Sarah VanderWende (Member)                                    Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)
Members & Staff Absent:          Elsa Voelcker (Alternate)      Gordon Webber (Ex-officio)
Public Attendees:  Scott Jobe (MaineLine Graphics)

Chair Condon appointed Mr. Holmes for the absent Vice-Chair Lazar. When Vice-Chair Lazar arrived, Mr. Holmes returned to his alternate status.

7:00PM Public Meeting

MaineLine Graphics – Request for waiver of Site Plan Review

Chair Condon asked Mr. Jobe to discuss the request for a waiver of a Site Plan Review (concerning Maineline Graphics move to the current Frameworks facility).

Mr. Jobe stated that Place in the Woods had been purchased for expansion of his sign business.  He said that for multiple reasons, the transition had not occurred and as it turned out – for the better for his company because the Frameworks (1 High Street, Map 104 Lot 105) was better suited for their needs. He said that Frameworks was a light industrial use and became available that MaineLine Graphics intended to do the same thing. He explained that his company made signs that are sent all over the country. His company will own us a portion of the available space and so would be seeking a tenant to fill the unused portion – ideal for a remote warehouse. Mr. Jobe further explained that his current situation was bursting at the seams and needed more space. Currently, the company receives shipments once a week – sometimes more, sometimes less. MaineLine Graphics employs 20 people and will be looking to add 4 or 5 employees within the next 6 months.

Board member asked questions. Mr. Jobe answered:

  • Explain the paint and ventilation system. The paint unit is manufactured elsewhere and meets all standards.
  • How is the paint stored? MaineLine Graphics has very little waste, but if any remains, the paint turns into a solid block and then discarded.
  • How many trucks per week? Mr. Jobe repeated that trucks made deliveries once a week – sometimes more, sometimes less.
  • What about the weight capacity of the bridge and what type of trucks make deliveries? A pallet or two per week is delivered by Yellow Freight or a van.
  • What changes will be made to Frameworks? The office wall will be modified.
  • Will there be any change to the outside lighting? An upgrade to the lighting is expected after an energy audit has been performed. The warehouse space is ready to go; it was set up for versatility.
  • Will any changes be made to the parking facility? There are 65 spaces and MainLine Graphics has 25 employees.
  • How will the building be split up? Two tenants are anticipated. A partition (probably a thermal wall – so as not to hear the entire building)
  • What is the breakdown?  Mr. Jobe stated that his business needed 1/3 of the building.
  • Will a building permit be necessary? Yes
Mr. Lazar said that possibly a site plan review could be waived as it seemed completely consistent with Frameworks.

Mr. Jobe stated that it was not a change of use, just a change of tenant. Walk-ins are a small portion of their business. Much of the work don is “cut vinyl prints” which involve no paint.

More Questions:
  • Will there be a wash bay for the trucks? That has not been addressed yet. The parking lot is all flat; MaineLine Graphics would go to the car wash or choose a mild day.
  • What are the signage plans? A single post with an arm bracket
There was a short discussion concerning the bridge.

Vice-Chair Lazar stated that MaineLine Graphics is a light manufacturing operation; Frameworks was a light manufacturing operation.

Mr. Jobe said that they made widgets, we make widgets. We comply with all the regulations; it shouldn’t matter.

Chair Condon stated that there was not a lot of documentation and just issuing a waiver without knowing, would be irresponsible. He said that he wanted to try to find a happy medium.

The Board members discussed the following:
  • The parameters should be understood
  • Possibly a detailed description was necessary.
  • Possibly a hearing was needed.
  • What about traffic flow
  • Maybe a Minor Site Plan Review was needed
  • Maybe a waiver with conditions
  • Is the impact greater than what is currently there
Chair Condon stated that there were two options – Approve a waiver or a Minor Site Plan Review with a Public Hearing. He asked Ms. Ogilvie for her opinion.

Ms. Ogilvie stated that multiple items could be waived. It would be important to have a visual depiction and a narrative. The Minor Site Plan Review could be set for August 7 and she would be willing to meet with Mr. Jobe and walk through the checklist. The Board could review written requests for waived items on the Site Plan Review Checklist.

Chair Condon asked Mr. Jobe how he felt about that.

Mr. Jobe stated that he was not happy about that. He said that it had been suggested to him to write a letter. He repeated that it was not a change of use, just a change of tenants. He said that he was still having trouble figuring out what issues the Board has. He continued that a bridge is a public road and that the facility was set up for those kinds of vehicles. MaineLine Graphics was a smaller operation and that he was just not used to having to for a Planning Board approval.

Vice-Chair Lazar stated that a Site Plan Review would be necessary only if the footprint was changed.

Ms. McEwen stated that many questions had been answered and if looking at more or less of an impact – it would be less of an impact.

Mr. Frosch stated that lack of information could bite the Planning Board after the fact.

Motion: The Planning Board determined that a Site Plan Review is not necessary as there is a change of tenant. Ms. McEwen made the motion; Mr. Frosch seconded.

Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Condon, yes; Lazar, yes; MacDonald, yes; Frosch, yes.

The Motion passed unanimously. MaineLine Graphics does not need a Site Plan Review.

Review Map of Route 9 and 31 to determine parcel designation for an Economic Revitalization Zones

The Board reviewed a tax map and discussed which parcels should be designated for the ERZ.
There resulted in two points of view: blanket the entire area or focus on the revitalization of just the parcel within the intersection. There was a discussion.
Discussion of which parcels should be designated
Focus on revitalization of just the intersection

Motion: Ms. VanderWende moved to designate as ERZ eligible, Lots 3, 4 and 64.
Ms. McEwen offered a friendly amendment to add Lots 5 & 6. Vice-Chair Lazar seconded.


Roll Call Vote: McEwen, yes; VanderWende, yes; Condon, yes; Lazar, yes; MacDonald, no; Frosch, yes.

The motion passed to add Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, & 64 as ERZ designees.

The ERZ discussion continued. Some members thought that all of Route 9 should be designated ERZ. Some members did not agree.

Motion: Mr. Frosch moved to designate all of the Highway Business on Route 9 as ERZ. Mr. MacDonald seconded.


Roll Call Vote: McEwen, no; VanderWende, no; Condon, no; Lazar, no; MacDonald, yes; Frosch, yes.

The motion failed.

Preparation for Economic Revitalization Zone Business meeting to be held October 2 – list of businesses, review letter
The Board reviewed the draft letter to be sent to business owners in the Village Business District. Changes were made. The Board approved the letter.

Approve June 19 and July 3 Meeting Minutes
June 19 Minutes: Ms. VanderWende moved to accept; Mr. Frosch seconded. After a short discussion, the Board approved the minutes, as amended.
July 3 Minutes: Mr. MacDonald moved to accept the minutes; Mr. Frosch seconded. After a short discussion, the Board approved the minutes, as amended

Capital Improvement Program (CIP) update – Mr. MacDonald & Ms. McEwen
All Department Heads and Commission Chairs have received a CIP letter, worksheet, and 2014 spreadsheet. The requests are to be submitted to the CIP Committee by August 28, 2014.

  • Wayne & Thelma Nichols Revocable Trust survey of property located at 135 Clinton Rd in compliance with NH RSA 676:18, paragraph IV. Survey done by Peter Mellen of Hillsborough - FYI
  • SW Regional Commission Highlights – June newsletter - FYI
  • DES The Sampler- monthly e-newsletter produced by the Volunteer Lake Assessment Program - FYI
Workshops and Trainings:
  • Erosion Control Field Day Workshops – FYI
Other Business:
  • Chair Condon reminded the members that the meeting begins at 7PM.
Ms. McEwen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm; Mr. Frosch seconded. All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Chauncey, Secretary for the Land Use Boards.